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Fall is the Perfect Time to Seal Air Leaks


Are you having trouble keeping your house cool in the summer and warm in the winter? Or do you feel like your heating and cooling bills are more expensive than they should be? If so, you might have air leaks in your house.

These are especially common in older homes, around windows, and in attic spaces. Air leaks might seem like a small problem, but they can really make your home inefficient - for example, not only do they let warm air out in the winter, but they also let cold air in.

Obviously, you don’t want to have warm air constantly leaking from your home on the coldest days of winter. To help you combat this common problem, today we’ll talk about why it’s important to seal air leaks in your home and some easy ways you can do this.

Spray Foam for Attic Leaks

sprayfoamOne of the most common areas for air leaks is in the attic. If your attic is poorly insulated and has lots of leaking areas, it can make it difficult to control the temperature in your home, especially on really hot or cold days.

An effective way to combat attic leaks is spray foam. Spray foam is an easy way to deal with air leaks in your attic, so we recommend that you utilize it to seal leaks in this area of your home.

Caulking Holes in Ceilings, Walls, and Floors

caulkingholesFor interior air leaks, caulking is an effective solution. By caulking holes in ceilings, walls, and floors, you can ensure that air doesn’t escape and that unwanted air doesn’t come in.

This is an easy weekend project that will really help keep your home comfortable this winter. Plus, if you seal air leaks this fall, your home will be more efficient through both winter and summer months.

Weatherstripping Windows and Doors

weatherstrippingDoors and windows are often one of the biggest causes of air leaks in homes. This is especially true if you have an older home.

To combat this problem, weatherstrip the windows and doors throughout your house. Generally, windows and doors have a number of small homes that let small amounts of air in and out.

This small amount of air can add up and make it really hard to control the temperature in your home. The good news is that there’s an easy solution to this common problem. By weatherstripping all of your windows and doors, you’ll seal these small holes and ensure that no air goes in or out through your windows and doors.

This is a great way to help control the temperature in your home throughout the year, to make your home more efficient and to save some money on your heating and cooling bills. The mild days of fall are the ideal time to prepare your home for the upcoming winter season.

With a few simple steps, you can make your home much more efficient and avoid losing warm air through holes in your doors, windows, walls, ceilings, floors or attic. If you have any questions about sealing air leaks or need any help preparing your home for winter, call Minnesota Plumbing and Heating today at (952) 445-4444.