Make A Change by Going Green
It’s not a national holiday, but April 22nd marks “Earth Day,” when we stop and take a hard look at our planet, what we’re doing to it, and think about ways we can help our world. We’re now living in a time when we as a civilization have the power to help or hurt our planet and leave it in better or worse condition for our families in the future. But you can do some things right now to help, even in areas you might not give much thought to, like plumbing. Here are a few plumbing problems that have some great, environmental solutions.
Problem: You Want Better Water
Solution: Install a water filter.
You’ve got a range of options here, from getting a small unit put directly on your tap, to having a larger system built right into your home’s plumbing infrastructure. Either way, a filter can clean up your water of all chemicals and impurities, right down to the chlorine that is added to the water supply to kill bacteria en masse before it gets to you.
With a water filter, you and everyone in your household can drink and use cleaner, safer, better tasting water for all your home needs.
Problem: You Want More Water Efficiency Out Of the Tap
Solution: Install and use eco-friendly plumbing fixtures.
Newer plumbing fixtures are much better at handling both water usage and pressure. High-efficiency shower heads, for example, don’t sacrifice water pressure at all, but they use less water when you take a shower. Then there are low flow toilets which use up far less water per flush when you make the distinction between flushing down solid waste and liquid waste.
With eco-friendly plumbing fixtures, you use your water more efficiently, and you end up paying less.
Problem: Your Water Heater Is Old
Solution: Try a tankless water heater instead.
By getting rid of the tank that holds gallons of water and heats it up before distributing it to showers and faucets, a tankless water heater is much more efficient. It heats the water directly in the pipes, and that means you use up far less energy.
With a properly installed tankless heater that takes into account the correct water usage for your home, you can save up to $100 every year on your energy bills.
Problem: Wasteful Use of Resources
Solution: Reduce your carbon footprint.
Your carbon footprint is a measure of how much CO2 you put into the air. CO2 or carbon dioxide is one of the greenhouse gases responsible for retaining heat and thus contributing to global warming.
By using products that have lower CO2 emissions, and by buying products from environmentally conscious companies that have low CO2 emission processes in their manufacturing, you take a small, but important step to help fight global warming for the future.